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Gatschet (236) (written) pilä́wa kinäpíkwa chicken-snake; same as garter-snake, Hoffman
Gatschet (236) (written) kíma green snake, green all over, climbing trees ("chief," because they never bite; Indians put them in their pockets)
Gatschet (236) (written) kímaki pl. (green snakes)
Gatschet (236) (written) mámkate apikíthia black snake, from 5 to 7 feet here
Gatschet (236) (written) mámkate apikithiáki pl. (black snakes)
Gatschet (236) (written) apikíthia anything that is crawling and having no legs
Gatschet (236) (written) kinepíkutha pemitatchímwat the young snake is crawling; said of any an. with legs, also of babies
Gatschet (236) (written) -aki -tchim??áki pl. (the young snakes are crawling)
Gatschet (236) (written) apíkwa any snake
Gatschet (236) (written) -aki
Gatschet (236) (written) kinusáwia lion; "tiger"—the American panther
Gatschet (236) (written) kinusawiaki pl. (lions; American panthers)
Gatschet (236) (written) kinepíkwa pämapikshínga the snake lies on the ground, dead or not, said of animals of long shape, of a rope, thread, twine
Gatschet (236) (written) pämak8síngi said of sticks, bars of iron, pencils, anything straight
Gatschet (236) (written) näpika dead; man or animal