
Document Target Text Target English Gloss Text Modern Speech
Halpern.009.008 (written) hɔ́ qəma. give me
Halpern.009.008 (written) qat then
Halpern.009.008 (written) on
Halpern.009.008 (written) kaˀáfal blackbirds
Halpern.009.008 (written) and
Halpern.009.008 (written) wıt məcɛ́nıl our gr. fa., mo. fa.
Halpern.009.008 (written) ˀí ḍanḍan 1 feather apiece
Halpern.009.008 (written) hɔ́qəmadın are going to give
Halpern.009.008 (written)
Halpern.009.008 (written) (ˀúyı), wí we
Halpern.009.008 (written) qat ke and
Halpern.009.008 (written) ˀɔ́w mat they agree
Halpern.009.008 (written) ke
Halpern.009.008 (written) tátitbaq ˀí their feather
Halpern.009.008 (written) qəcɔ́lmačat they pull out