
Document Target Text Target English Gloss Text Modern Speech
Uldall 004.004 (written) yɔm'- müsɛ'm yɔmɛ'tɔm han tca'ikʊm ma'idʊkɛ hʊkɛ siyɛ'tɔm
Uldall 004.004 (written) müm ha'm
Uldall 004.004 (written) müm ham or "ham müm" is the usual ending of a narrative. Appears to be "It says," used idiomatically for "It is said."
Uldall 004.004 (written) kapan kutɪn ham k̉ɛdɛ kutɔmatɔi
Uldall 004.004 (written) kapam p̱ata pɛtamatɔi
Uldall 004.004 (written) han kutɪm pɛnɪm maidʊkɛm lai ɪm pen pɛtamatɔi
Uldall 004.004 (written) han kutɪm pɛnɪm maidʊkɛm lai ɪm pen pɛtamatɔi
Uldall 004.004 (written) han wɪtɛm ɔkɔ tciwi | hatɔmatɔi kutɪm
Uldall 004.004 (written) k̉ɛdɛ sisters-in-law
Uldall 004.004 (written) kutɔ to have in a reciprocal relation, cf. kulɛkutɔ, to marry
Uldall 004.004 (written) ku is apparently related to kü- in külɛ, woman
Uldall 004.004 (written) -tɔ semi-reflexive
Uldall 004.004 (written) -matɔi quotative, It is evidently here used with the aorist which is the verb without suffixes
Uldall 004.004 (written) to have
Uldall 004.004 (written) -ta phonetic variant of -tɔ, a temporal suffix making the time more distant than the tense element implies. Here there is no tense element so the verb may be presumed to be in the aorist.