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J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) ĸipəni jatʃpa Look at the quiot mira el quiote
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) tpəlipə' elder sauco
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) tʃmiʃə Toyon toyon
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) ĸsaĸsi jatʃimiʃə give me the toyon dame el tollon
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) twaja Apple manzanita
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) májsi, jatmajsi corn maiz
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) tʃmiʃə Toyon toyon
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) túʨu Tuche tuche
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) tĸajhuĸa' wild blackberries moras
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) jakłtəksmu' The Prespsite la prespitata
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) touóso Quichapore quichapore
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) tʃokoko Another Yellow Flowered Plan That Has Black Seeds another yellow flowered plan that has black seeds
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) tʃiĸiwa jatsʨawa he is removing the thorn está quitando la espina
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) tpuĸ'u huckleberry chichequelite
J.P. Harrington Reel 1 PDF2 (written) melono melon melón